Thoughts for Ayden #1 (Diversity)
Dear Ayden,
When you were born (just 1 day ago), people from all over the world welcomed you to our lovely planet Earth.
Argentina, Canada, South Africa, Morocco, Iceland, Kenya, Finland, Portugal, Belgium, Estonia, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Emirates, Brazil, India, Russia, USA, Israel, China, Philippines, Germany, Armenia, Japan, Australia, France, New Zealand… and many, many more.
Mama and papa had the chance and privilege to travel around the world, making many friends along the way. Our friends come in all shapes, sizes, colours, cultures and beliefs. And we love them for what they are: human.
Some humans are afraid of others who look, think and act different. They might try to convince you to love only those who are similar to you.
I hope you will soon notice that the best things in life are a result of humans from different places and backgrounds coming together to invent, create, think, build and share with each other.
We are all better in a world that brings us closer together, not further apart.