InDataDrivenInvestorbyAmit GargCommon? Preferred? Founder? Making Sense Of Startup Shares1) Preferred vs Common — Historically there have been two types of stock: preferred and common. Preferred is for investors, common for…Dec 7, 20211Dec 7, 20211
InThe StartupbyAaron Dinin, PhDHow to Get Venture Capitalists to Make Quick Investment DecisionsIf you don’t want to be strung along while fundraising, then you need to learn how to get clear, quick answers from investors.Jan 6, 20223Jan 6, 20223
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyDonna GriffitI Boiled Down Hundreds of Successful VC Pitches to One Winning FormulaAfter seeing thousands of pitches over seventeen years, this formula is the one that I know works.Sep 24, 20219Sep 24, 20219
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyAaron Dinin, PhDFounder With a $12 Billion Exit Told Me the Strategy He Used to Get VCs to Finally Pay AttentionYou’ll be able to fundraise once you understand what investors really want to see.Sep 27, 20214Sep 27, 20214
InCreandumbyJohan BrennerTraits of unicorn foundersHow to spot them at an early stage?Jun 28, 20219Jun 28, 20219
Feliks EyserThe Seven Deadly Sins of Fundraising…and How First-Time Founders Can Avoid ThemAug 16, 20211Aug 16, 20211
InThe StartupbyAaron Dinin, PhDI Learned the Difference Between Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists the Hard WayAll sources of money aren’t the same, and the differences could make or break your startupAug 19, 20217Aug 19, 20217
Liran BelenzonHow to Answer Five Questions Every VC Asks When You’re FundraisingWhen fundraising, CEOs get a few common questions from every VC. These questions may seem simple. But if you answer them incorrectly, it…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
InThe StartupbyAaron Dinin, PhDRemove This One Slide from Your Pitch Deck to Stop Scaring Away InvestorsThe slides in your pitch deck you think are most compelling are probablybe the slides scaring away potential investors.Jun 23, 202012Jun 23, 202012